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Opening for the 2025-2026 Academic Year

Welcome to Grow Montessori Academy

Grow Montessori Academy is an inclusive community of highly skilled teachers and conscientious parents and their children who are working together to master foundational skills, cultivate independent thought, and to care for others and their environment.​


 Children that graduate from our program have been given the opportunity to develop their own personal identity and achieve their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally.


Our graduates are proof that success does not come from an "A" on a paper. Success comes from deeply understanding oneself and the world and finding joy in the journey itself.

Our Programs

Primary Classroom

3 - 6 years of Age

"If we study the psychology of children aged between three and six, we see that movement, and especially the movement of the hand, plays a most important part in mental development of children in this age group. ”


-Maria Montessori The 1946 London Lectures

Elementary Environment

6 - 12 Years of Age


"I have found that in his development, the child passes through certain phases, each of which has its own particular needs. The characteristics of each are so different that the passages from one phase to the other has been described by certain psychologists as 'rebirths'."


-Maria Montessori, Four Planes of Education

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13-14 Years of Age

Adolescent Program


“The adolescent must never be treated as a child, for that is a stage of life that he has surpassed. It is better to treat an adolescent as if he had greater value than he actually shows than as if he had less and let him feel that his merits and self-respect are disregarded.”


- Maria Montessori from Childhood to Adolescence

Why Montessori?

Montessori education is student-led and self-paced but guided, assessed, and enriched by knowledgeable and caring teachers, the leadership of their peers, and a nurturing environment. Children work both in groups and individually to discover and explore the knowledge of the world and reach their maximum potential.


The multi-age classroom is designed to create organic opportunities for independence, citizenship, and accountability. Students follow their own curiosity, taking the time they need to fully understand each concept to meet or surpass individualized learning goals.


Given the freedom and opportunity to question, probe deeply, and make connections, Montessori students grow up to be confident, enthusiastic, and self-directed learners. 


We follow 5 key components to protect the integrity of her work and to support high standards for both teachers and students.

Our Location

A Classroom Without Walls

Situated amongst a picturesque lake, bird observation area, and Main Street Lake Zurich businesses, our school is located in the center of a hub of educational opportunity beyond our classroom walls. 


A distinct advantage of our location is the proximity to many local businesses in order for our elementary-age students to plan a "Going Out". The importance of "Going Out" opportunities surpasses any lessons learned in the classroom. As Maria Montessori stated, “Instruction becomes a living thing. Instead of being illustrated, it is brought to life. In a word, the outing is a new key for the intensification of instruction ordinarily given in the school."


We understand the benefit of being connected to nature and breathing fresh air, so free play, and time spent outdoors, occur throughout the day for students of every age.

Upcoming Events

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