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Welcome to the 
Elementary Environment

6 - 12 Years Old

The Montessori curriculum is designed to support a child's innate curiosity.

Elementary-aged students will show an interest in reasoning, questioning, and explaining, and also an emerging awareness of time. They have the ability to extract and conceptualize, form their own ideas and opinions, and have the desire to explore them deeply. 


They are motivated when working in groups, not only because of the companionship but also because of the organizational structure. Our classrooms promote social development by mixing different ages, while the Montessori guides carefully observe and direct the lessons.

Our guides are able to create a strong bond with their students during the 6 years of the cycle. Beneficially, the guides have many years to get to know each child as an individual and are able to adapt perfectly to each child’s personality and academic needs.


*We only accept students into our elementary program that are transferring from another Montessori school or are entering as a 1st or 2nd grader from traditional schooling. Our mutual focus, as parents and educations, will be to ensure that your child is in the environment that will provide them the most success. This will be an ongoing conversation your child's first year.

The Second Developmental Plane: "Help Me to Think"

A child’s social network explodes during this plane of development. Learning is no longer a solitary activity. Students gravitate toward their classmates and form deep friendships with peers from school and extracurricular activities. At this age, children choose activities for themselves that they enjoy and are interested in learning about. They spend time mastering their personal interests and often form friendships with other children with similar interests and goals. By age 11 or 12, most students prefer working collaboratively on schoolwork and personal projects, rather than completing them on their own.


The strong need for physical order is replaced at this stage with a new need for moral order. Children begin to learn and adhere to social norms and form deep rooted ideals of right and wrong. They hold very strong opinions on justice and perceived fairness and place emphasis on following rules, especially during games and play.


This Second Plane of Development is full of physical and mental growth. Children exit the absorbent mind stage, exploring their conscious mind. They are discovering new knowledge about themselves, the world around them, and how they can carve out a place for themselves in it.



Full Day - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Full Day + After School Enrichment - 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

*After School Enrichment is expected to be available for the 2025-2026 School Year.

Practical Life


Within the Elementary program, the Practical Life curriculum expands from the foundation laid in Early Childhood. Practical Life at the Elementary level shifts from a focus on self-care and fine motor skills, to skills that help children connect with their interests in the outside world, organize their time, and take part in their community.


While self-care and appropriate social interactions continue to be supported, lessons that teach responsibility are the focus. 





Our Programs

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