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Welcome to the 
Primary Classroom

3 - 6 Years Old

During this period, Maria Montessori points out that we need to collaborate with the children so that they are able to reach physical independence (both in language and movement). It is an important stage where the children are making great progress physically, socially, and emotionally.


This is the time of the Absorbent Mind, which is the state of the brain from birth to the age of 6. Maria Montessori observed that children internalize everything they see and experience in their immediate environment. This means that they are able to learn effortlessly and almost instantaneously. Currently, Neuroscience studies have confirmed that this ability exists and have labeled it ‘brain plasticity’.

The First Developmental Plane: "Help Me to Help Myself".

The abilities that were formed from 0 to 3 are now solidified during this period. The child will now be able to take those abilities, give them structure and improve on them. This ability of the mind to learn and absorb experiences, knowledge and sensations is particularly active between 0 and 6.

Half Day - 8:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m.


Full Day - 8:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Full Day + After School Enrichment - 8:15 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

*After School Enrichment is expected to be available during the 2025-2026  School Year.

Practical Life


The four categories of Practical Life lessons isolate different key concepts that are all part of the child’s journey towards independence. Together they help a child learn self-awareness and to become conscious of their language, behavior, actions, and impact on others. The four categories are:



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1. Grace and Courtesy – getting along well with others

  • politely interrupt 

  • wait their turn

  • have patience with friends

  • greet teachers and friends politely

  • welcome newcomers to the classroom

  • disagree peacefully and speak respectfully


2. Control of Movement – being aware of your body in space

  • Balance – children walk along a marked line on the floor, placing one foot in front of the other. They might hold a small bell, taking care to walk carefully and keep the bell from ringing. They learn balance, and strive to complete the line without misstep. 

  • Coordination – many of the Practical Life materials are arranged on small trays, which the children must carry to their workspace. Children learn to carry items one at a time, to place their things on the table before pulling out their chair, and how to move carefully through the busy classroom.

  • Fine Motor Skills – from transferring small beads carefully with a tiny spoon to learning how to thread a needle in preparation for sewing, the Practical Life shelves are filled with fine motor practice opportunities. 


3. Care of Self – learning to care for your own needs and to help others who need it


4. Care of Environment – cleaning up after yourself and being responsible for your actions

Our Programs

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