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Welcome to the Toddler Community

Ages 18 Months - 36 Months


The first three years of life are known by all to be the most important time in human development. Maria Montessori stated, that education must begin at birth and the Montessori Toddler program offers more than the typical daycare.


During this stage, your child absorbs large amounts of information from the environment through observation and experiences. These are the years that lay the foundation for later learning—and the stronger the foundation, the more the child will be able to build upon it.


Toddler programs offer a curriculum that emerges from each child’s unique skills and interests. Based on daily observations, teachers introduce new materials and activities that pique curiosity and stimulate learning. Learning objectives for your child at this age include developing skills such as language, concentration, problem solving, visual discrimination, and physical coordination.

The First Developmental Plane: "Help Me to Help Myself".

Practical Life

The activities of practical life are those which humans undertake in their daily lives. These activities allow them to feed themselves and look after themselves and others as well as the environment in which they live.


The tasks of practical life are real, follow a logical sequence, bring together different sensorial experiences and involve the co-ordinated movement of the body which is guided by the mind. They allow them to learn cultural customs, provide the opportunity to understand cause and effect, and build mental abilities such as perception, memory and analysis.


Practical life areas:

  • Care of self

  • Care of the environment

  • Food preparation

  • Placement of furniture

  • Grace and courtesy


Our Programs

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