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What is Montessori

and why should you consider GROW for your child's education? 

Montessori is a philosophy and approach to learning that was created by Dr. Maria Montessori over one hundred years ago in Rome, Italy. The Montessori approach is founded on the belief that all children are inherently good, peaceful, and intrinsically motivated, and that these innate characteristics must be nurtured by the adults and by the environment surrounding the child.


Because Montessori is a child-centered pedagogy: we respect each child's individuality, meeting their specific needs, characteristics, and interests.




Authentic Montessori Schools have 5 key components that set them apart from traditional education.


1. Prepared Environment

Our light-filled classrooms are thoughtfully prepared with learning materials, such as those in the photo, placed so that they are easily accessible and available to the child without the need for assistance.


Each of the teaching materials is precisely crafted and has a distinct purpose to teach a unique skill or concept. The materials follow a logical and developmentally appropriate progression that supports the child on their journey from utilizing concrete resources to abstract understanding.


The classroom is a community in which respect for the independence and character of your child is paramount. Teachers are consistently calm, gentle, soft-spoken, patient, and trusting. They demonstrate respect and compassion by using eye contact, kneeling to the level of the child, and addressing your children by name. ​


Touring the classroom, you'll see the child-sized furniture, utensils, and other tools that enable children to make choices and work to complete activities, which builds self-confidence, concentration, and critical thinking skills.

2.Mixed-Age Classrooms

When children of different ages are together in the same educational space, children develop a mutual admiration for all children, without competition. Mixed-age classrooms also allow the older children to use their knowledge to help their "younger brothers and sisters" with the tenets of respect, kindness, and mentorship. Beneficially, being a leader in the classroom as the older child reinforces, and cements the knowledge acquired while also building their self-esteem.


3. Trained Montessori Professionals

A properly credentialed Montessori teacher understands the importance of allowing children to develop naturally. The teacher observes children within a specific age range and introduces them to challenging and developmentally appropriate lessons and materials based on observations of each child’s unique interests, abilities, and social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

A trained Montessori teacher is well-versed not only in Montessori theory and philosophy but also in the accurate and appropriate use of Montessori materials. 

To ensure we provide an authentic Montessori education to all children, our lead teachers receive their training in the age level at which they teach, from an approved program, accredited by AMI.


4.Uninterrupted Work Cycle

We offer a work cycle of uninterrupted hours where there is no specific schedule for each subject. 


A child’s work cycle involves selecting an activity, performing the activity for as long as they are interested in it, cleaning up the activity and returning it to the shelf, then selecting another activity. During this time, children also receive lessons where the teachers present each topic or material individually or in small groups.


Students work in all the learning areas throughout the week's work cycles. Once the teachers have presented a new material or exercise to the children, they can integrate the new work into their work cycle as they wish.


We regard this uninterrupted work period with utmost importance, as it facilitates the development of coordination, deep concentration, and independence.


5. Freedom of Choice

The Montessori Method naturally leads children to choose work that is meaningful and challenging enough that it is interesting and engaging. This leads to greater comfort in exploring new challenges at-will, refines sustained focus, and instills a sense of responsibility towards themselves and others.


Freedom of choice is made possible by the careful design and flow of the Montessori environment, which was created to purposefully awaken a child’s curiosity while providing them the privilege to work in quiet or active spaces, either individually or with their peers.


In a Montessori environment, children are free to move and explore. Teachers, as their guide, keep them on the learning path, and ensure that the classroom environment remains respectful, orderly, and productive for each and every child who finds themselves a part of this amazing community of life-long learners.

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